I'm born again, now what?
So - you are saved and know you are going to heaven! You have taken the most important step that you can take in your entire life. Heaven is ecstatic and so excited that you took this giant step.
You are energized and want to know what you should do to learn more, to seek a deep and meaningful relationship with God - but, where do you start?
The purpose of this site is to give you some ideas and guidance on what you can do to get started.
(If you are not born again or not sure what that is, you can learn more by following the Listen to Sermons link! You can also email me and I'll be happy to setup a time to chat!)

Getting Started...
There is no formula that you follow to be "a christian" or "a disciple". However, there are certain things you can do to learn more about God, to prove to yourself that God is real, and to feel closer to God. Click on a link below to get more information on each item.

there has to be more...
You're bored. You've ready the bible at least once all the way through. You go to church every Sunday. You listen to worship music daily. You do all these things that you were told to do. And yet - you have this tug on your heart - that there has to be something more. And there is. Do you think that Jesus did all that he did on the cross for you to follow some best practice guidelines and for you to try to be a good Christian?
Colossians 1:26-27 ESV
The mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints. To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.